Tanayah Clardy - Genius Hour Project
Communcation Arts January 2016
Amelia Earhart
Amelia Earhart was the most famous woman pilot in the world, but she wasn’t satisfied and wanted to be the first woman to fly around the world. In June 1937 Amelia and Fred Noonan, her navigator, took off from Miami, Florida and she became the first woman to fly over the Atlantic Ocean. They flew a number of flights, eventually getting all the way across Africa and Asia to New Guinea in the South Pacific. On July 2nd they took off from New Guinea to fly to Howland Island in the Pacific Ocean, but they were never seen from again. The United States government searched for Amelia and her plane for several weeks, but they could not find them. She was declared legally dead almost two years later on January 5, 1939. There have been a lot of theories about what happened to the flight, but no one really knows and her plane has never been found. Some theorist came up with the idea that when she flew across the equator over the Atlantic Ocean, her compass was spinning crazily and she disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle.